Population: Venice is a beatiful city.
Venice has 271.009 of habitants
weather: Venice has a Mediterranean climate. Winter is mild and hot summer. Generally the weather is warm from May to September, the hottest months are July and August. In autumn it rains a lot. Mean winter temperatures is from 5 º to 15 º C and in summer 25 º to 35 º C.
Transportation, traffic and Pollution: In Venice the transportation is very different. than others city. people travel in boats. because there aren't a lot of streets. the canals are the streets in venice. thanks for that venice has less pollution and traffic than others city because there aren´t cars.
Crime: Venice is a safe city. you can safe there without any problems.
Population: Rome is a beautiful city but is olden. Than venice. It has 2.761.477 of habitants
Weather: The weather is cloudy. The weather is comfortable to avril from june. the temperature. In the winter is cold. the average temperature in january is 8.5 degrees celsius.
Transportation, traffic and pollution:
Unlike than venice the traffic in Rome is terrible. people in Rome traved in buses, trams, cars. and in motor- cycles like in venice. the turist prefer the motocycles because is faster than a car.
Crime: Rome is a safe city too the turists haven´t problems in the city. there are a lot segurity.
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